Crazies Hill, Fawley, Turville - 21.5 miles

Out with just 2 Breeze friends, Linda and Ravinder today, on a SCORCHING hot day, 27-30 degrees kind of hot. Phew!

I picked them up and we all went in the van which was fortunate since the road to our planned meeting point was closed, which could have got very complicated. We started nearer Cockpole Green than Crazies Hill, so  saved a few miles, shortening the total ride to just over 21. In this heat and with the 1200 plus feet elevational change, no one complained that it was too short.

The route (takes  a few seconds to open fully)

So, a big down to  Aston, then instead of the usual crossing the river at the Weir, which we often do, continued into Remenham, passing the church as our first photo stop.

The Pretty Lynch Gate of  Remenham Church.

Continuing into Henley, and a chance to stop on the bridge for a left and right photo view

We weaved our way through Henley and joined the cycle path on the road out of Henley towards Stonor. Once on the Stonor Road, we took first right, signposted to Fawley and immediately we had to stop to let the horses come down the hill, before we  started our biggest climb of the day.

We all made it one way or another, cycling pretty much the whole way, but were glad to see the top levelling out at last after about 2 miles. It does go on a bit, but once we were up, great views from many places.

Catching up at the top of a lengthy climb,

I spotted a couple of cows who were very happy to pose not moving a muscle..... not even blinking.

We continue into Southend, being very careful not to miss the right hand turn (where the signpost is hidden in the hedge.) I did this once before and ended up back down into the Stonor Valley I had just climbed out of!  So, turning right, through South End, then left to Northend. We had considered stopping at the Old Barn for tea, but the sign was not there today so continued on our way, planning to stop instead in Hambleden.

Now turning right into Holloway Lane to Turville, which is about 3.5 mile decent. Love it!

Through Turville, and since it was so hot, we opted for the easy route back at valley level to Hambleden.
The Village Hall at Hambleden

Dahlia time of year now all the Hollyhocks are finished

Linda, Ravinder and me at the Post Office/Shop

Just over the rooftops in  Hambleden and a few trees showing the first signs of golden autumn colours amongst the greens

The stream through Hambleden still running despite weeks of dry weather
Now crossing the Thames at Hambleden Weir, before the climb back up to Cockpole Green.

Hot hot hot at Hambleden Weir

I was amused by the Geranium growing in the log jam at the weir

A  relaxing afternoon me thinks. Hubby just got in and announced the temperature outside now 34 degrees. Tomorrow, sunshine and showers all day to cool everything down again, and water the garden,(we hope), so good get out today while its dry.