Finchampstead to Hartley Witney - 25 miles

A friends ride today with Susie co coordinating.

Ravinder, Linda, Linda, Carol, Sally, Susie and me

A grey day with light drizzle but very muggie and too hot for a jacket for me!

Heading through Bramshill Plantation.....

Arriving in HW I wanted a photo by the duck pond, but just as we pulled up a determined driving in a blue truck was determined to get our way! I asked if me could possible pull forward again for a few seconds....... and if looks cold kill!!! Grrrrr.

Better the other way?

Chris still suffering with her damaged shoulder joined us for a cuppa.

The fennel at The Courtyard  tea shop was fantastic!

It was one of those jackets on jackets off kind of days, and they went  back on once more as we cycled around a very gloomy California country park.

But we didnt get very wet in the end. The light drizzle had though made the road surfaces a bit slippery and poor Sally came off on a bend. Thankfully she was OK, but will no doubt have some nasty bruising on her chin and knees. Oh dear. This cycling lark is a dangerous pastime.