Wokingham to The Look Out via Swinley Forest - 24 miles

That was a tough 24 miles, as all but 8 were off road, through tracks. Good fun, and a pleasant change from our more usual road cycling.

Mobile phone shots today so not the best quality.

Route (takes a few seconds to open)

Today's riders.
Stephanie, Susie, Yvonne, Jan, Jackie, Kay and me.

Met the team at Wellington Gym, then took off into the road immediately next to Crowthorne Station, cycling alongside the railway and all around the perimeter of Wellington College. Then cut through  Sandy Lane, before entering Forest Tracks at the 7 mile marker. Straight on a while, up and down the undulating tracks, some of which were pretty steep. New girl today Kay, had her chain come off at one point but Stephanie coped easily with getting it back on.

Stephanie still smiling after getting Kay's chain back on part way up this hill.

Yvonne and Susie

As we came out of Edgebarrow Woods, a wonderful scent from the vivid yellow Gorse.

After coming along Lower Broadmoor Road, we turned left into Eastern Lane
 We continued straight over Joshua Jebb Way, where works are underway to rebuild parts of Broadmoor Hospital, before turning right on the Devil's Highway.

A quick stop to prepare for the steep, gravely hill ahead. My camera was steaming up at this point,
having climbed a few hills!
 Well done to Stephanie, Susie and Kay who made it in one! There was a NASTY real steep gravely  bend just at the bottom of the hill, which had the rest of us off.

Coffee stop at The Look Out

Then our return journey. I was first up this hill on the return, and time to get my camera out too! Kay, and Stephanie just behind

And here come Jan and Jackie 
A glorious sunny, if cooler day, this taken on my return trip home at the top of Nashgrove Lane.