Breeze ride. Wokingham to Crowthorne to Arborfield - 20.5miles

A lovely, if muddy breeze group ride this morning starting from Crowthorne. I cycled from home to meet up with the ladies, so my total mileage today was 20 AND A HALF miles!!! A personal record.

Working my way across via Blagrove Lane, I turned into Nashgrove Lane, which was a bit of disaster with large puddles. What I did not know was that I was to cycle through these puddles 3 times today, as our ride came this route.

Nashgrove Lane. 
Once we all met up at Crowthorne, we headed to Arborfield via Nashgrove
Lane. Kelly was next through after me waiting with my mobile phone camera.
Sorry ladies, focus  not great... you were going too fast!

Here comes Gabby, with the rest of the group following.

Susie next.....

With Daphne just behind
Karen,  and leader Carole 

Coffee stop near Arborfield cross, on Sindlesham road.

Refreshed and ready to go.....
Gabby, Sally, Daphne, Kelly, Karen, Carole and Susie

....... well almost ready. Carole checking Gabby's tyres.

Still smiling! About to head off via Arborfield Garrison

After a very muddy track, we enter California Country Park.
Sally still smiling!

I wish they would make these gates just a bit wider!
 Great fun ride with a lovely group of ladies. Thanks again to Carole for organising.
Let's hope the weather allows us out again next week.